WHAT IF you could learn takedowns WITHOUT killing your body? Would you?


If you are OLDER, previously INJURED, or just want to take MINIMUM DAMAGE doing Takedowns, THEN THIS SERIES IS FOR YOU. . .




Length: 1Hour 26 Minutes


Module 1: Goals & Proper Position From the Underhook

  • Proper Underhook Positioning (1minute 41 seconds)
  • Secondary Hand Positioning (1minute 52 seconds)
  • Head Positioning (1 minute 12 seconds)
  • Quiz


Module 2: Underhook Entries & Set Ups

  • Wrist/Club/Punch Entry (2 minutes 28 seconds)
  • Cross Post Entry (2 minutes)
  • Wrist Snap Entry (2 minutes 15 seconds)
  • Single Leg Entry (3 minutes 34 seconds)
  • 2-2-2 Drill (3 minutes 39 seconds)
  • Quiz


Module 3: Attacking the Primary Leg, Secondary Leg, and The Neck

  • Snatch Single (3 minutes 51 seconds)
  • The Dump Finish (1 minute 19 seconds)
  • Accessing the Secondary Leg (2 minutes 7 seconds)
  • The Knee Pick (2 minutes 55 seconds)
  • Accessing Their Neck (2 minutes 52 seconds)
  • Finishing The Front Head Lock (3 minutes 2 seconds)
  • Quiz


Module 4: Putting it All Together

  • Fake Single to Knee Pick (2 minutes 23 seconds)
  • Fake Single to Go Behind (2minutes 16 seconds)
  • Throw By (2 minutes 15 seconds)
  • Throw By to Back Trip (1 minute 52 seconds)
  • FHL Throw By to Back Trip (2 minutes 42 seconds)
  • Knee Pick to Single Leg Dump (2 minutes 6 seconds)
  • Quiz


Module 5: Attacking the Body with Seatbelts & Body Locks

  • Intro to Seatbelt (1 minute 7 seconds)
  • Fighting for Knee Position (2 minutes 43 seconds)
  • Proper Body Lock Positioning (2 minutes 13 seconds)
  • Throw By to Body Lock (4 minutes 2 seconds)
  • Body Lock to Jap Whizzer (3 minutes 28 seconds)
  • Jap Whizzer to Outside Trio (2 minutes 16 seconds)
  • Jap Whizzer to Ankle Pick(2 minutes 39 seconds)
  • Quiz


Module 6: Q&A With Older Black Belt Who Loves Wrestling (16 Minutes 38 Seconds)


Module 7: How to Master These Techniques in 5 Steps




  • 3x NAIA National Wrestling Champion (2019, 2020, 2021) at 285lbs Division (Heavyweight)
  • 4x NAIA All-American
  • 3x Mid-South Conference Champion
  • 2016 Fargo Nationals Greco Roman All-American
  • 2017 Fargo Nationals Freestyle All-American
  • 2017 Flo Nationals Folkstyle All-American
  • ADCC West Coast Trials Bronze Medalist (2024) 3rd Place out of 76 (99+ Kg)
  • ADCC East Coast Trials Top 8 (2023)(99+ Kg)
  • IBJJF No-Gi World Champion (Blue Belt) (2021)
  • IBJJF No-Gi World Runner Up (Purple Belt) (2022)


Now, before you keep reading, I want to say this...

You don't have to be an older grappler ONLY to get this course. In fact, I'd encourage younger grapplers to work the systems in this Instructional into their game too.


The name of the game is to save our bodies while being effective over a long period of time. This course will do just that for you...


Anyways, by now you probably know my name is Brandon Reed, I'm a 25-year-old who started wrestling when he was 13 and, at points in my career, absolutely wrecked my knees because of shots and scrambling.


It's the sad truth, most traditional takedowns in Wrestling & Jiu-Jitsu will absolutely wreck your body the more and more you do them. That's because of the constant knee pounding and explosiveness required to do many traditional leg tackles (Single Leg, Double Legs, etc)


In 2020 I tore my ACL, LCL, and had a Partial tear in my meniscus due to a weird scramble situation at a College Wrestling meet. Ever since then my game has completely changed. It had to or I couldn't keep Grappling.


I tell people all the time that I'm a 25-year-old stuck in a 60-year-olds body because of my knees.


I still love to Wrestle, and think everyone should practice takedowns in Grappling, but because of my injuries I was forced to develop a knee friendly takedown system that is SAFE & EFFECTIVE for older or previously Injured Grapplers (like me).


This system was my Underhook Takedown System...


Developing strong takedowns from the Underhook absolutely CHANGED THE GAME for me,and here's WHY I think it will help you too...


Wrestling from an underhook allows grapplers access to their opponent's upper body, hips, legs, and neck WITHOUT needing to take a penetration step (a shot).


If you can get good at the Underhook Series, you'll also develop the ability to slow down & exhaust more athletic opponents who base their game more on speed, space, and athleticism.


Hopefully this series adds just as much to your game as it has added to my own & my students.





This instructional is systematic, simple, and all 27 techniques filmed were made to be as digestible & rewatchable as possible to MAXIMIZE your ability to learn and master them, but...


If you don't take the time to drill these techniques over a long period of time (and I don't just mean a week, I mean months) then you won't get good at them.


But I guarantee if you are patient, you get your reps in, and you allow yourself to fail a bit, then you will become a master at this underhook takedown system built for people like me and you...




Don't just buy the instructional and watch it on your phone and laptop. Get out there on the mats and try out the techniques at your own pace...


Most people who buy a BJJ or Wrestling Instructional do just that, they buy it. But very few people take the time to really embrace their investment and put the time on the mat to actually acquire the skills in a course. Make the investment and you will see results...



  • 27 effective & competition tested techniques that work regardless of your age, belt rank, or past knee injuries.


  • There won't be any BS, no filler content, no 6 hours of BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. Only good, effective, technique.


  • This series is precise & easy follow. it's also easy to track progress & rewatch.


  • Quizzes at the end of each module to test your retention of major technical points in that section.


  •  Filmed in HD for the best video and sound quality possible.


  • I've laid the series out in levels, from the simplest techniques & concepts to the more advance ones.


  • FREE BONUS CONTENT: The series wraps up with a 20-minute Q&A with an Older BJJ Black Belt who dives into his reasoning for Wrestling, why it's crucial to have it as a part of his BJJ game, why it should be a part of yours, how to track progress, advice on how you can make jumps in your takedown game as an older grappler, and why he continues to practice takedowns even though he is an "Older" Grappler and told by many NOT to do so...


  • Rewatch any of the individual Underhook Takedown techniques at any time with 1 click, allowing you to develop your game at YOUR OWN PACE...  




No matter which takedown you are aiming to score in this series, the underhook allows you to do so with control and without an overreliance on athleticism & knee pounding (like most leg tackles).


Becoming good at this Underhook takedown system will allow you to control the pace of the match on the feet.


When you get an underhook you can: slow down, control, exhaust, and take down younger, more athletic opponents.


Most importantly, these takedowns work ANYWHERE. You can be on the mats, the streets, at your local McDonalds, WHEREVER...


You NEVER have to HIT YOUR KNEES or attempt these takedowns from an uncomfortable distance. Everything about this system is tight and controlled.


On top of it all, every good Grappler has developed their own takedown system that they can pull out of the bag if they need to find their 2 points or just get on top in competition...


This includes the greats like Gordon Ryan, Marcelo Garcia, and Nicholas Meregali, who are mostly known for their guard games. But even they have proven the importance of having a reliable takedown system time after time at the most notable tournaments in the BJJ World like ADCC & IBJJF Worlds.


This course is a NO BS Approach to Underhook takedowns that WORKS WITHOUT KILLING YOUR KNEES in the process.


If you're ready to make the commitment & level up your Takedown game for BJJ, then Click the button below to get started NOW!