Once you start DOMINATING the Hand Fight, takedowns come EASY...

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You're going to learn the fundamental Hand Fighting techniques that will help you score more takedowns in Jiu-Jitsu & Wrestling from a 3x National Wrestling Champion, ADCC Veteran, and 4 year Wrestling for Jiu-Jitsu instructor.


There are 33 Individual Videos. THIS INCLUDES:


  • 33 Technique Videos (1080p Video Quality, Filmed in the Lindsey Wilson College Wrestling Room)



  • Match breakdowns,
  • Free Added Techniques,
  • 21 FREE Full Rolling Videos from my Seminars (and growing). Plus, as I do Seminars, I add Techniques & Rolling Videos from those as I go, so the library is always growing!


There won't be any BS, no filler, no 6 hours of BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.


This series is precise & easy to follow. It is also easy to track your progress and easy to rewatch.


I've laid the series out in levels, from the simplest techniques & concepts to the more advanced ones


You can rewatch individual techniques at any time with 1 click, allowing you to develop your hand fighting game at YOUR OWN PACE... 




Hand fighting is our ability to use pushes, pulls, fakes, and different control grips to manufacture specific reactions and counter-reactions from our opponents.


We then use said reactions & counter-reactions to create scoring opportunities on the feet, I.e., making takedowns require LESS EFFORT to finish.


At the same time, Hand Fighting is a great tool to exhaust our opponents.


Without good hand fighting & setups for your takedowns, you risk being countered, stuffed, or even SUBMITTED (if you're doing BJJ).


All good Wrestlers have developed a hand-fighting system that leads to low-risk & high-reward takedowns, while also draining the energy of their opponents.


This course is a NO BS Approach to the fundamentals of hand-fighting, that you will NEED, to DOMINATE the hand fight and level up your Takedown game for all forms of No-Gi Grappling.




The difference between someone who has a basic understanding of hand fighting and someone who does not is this:


The hand fighter can create opportunities that opponents can't see. The grappler without a basic understanding of hand fighting is the same as a person showing their cards in Vegas. No matter how bad you want to score a takedown, skilled opposition will know exactly what you plan to do if you can't hand fight.


Hand fighting will take an obvious attack and disguise it. It's not about brute force, it's about control, manipulation, and finesse as it leads to takedowns.


But what do I know and who am I? 


 My name is Brandon Reed & I am a:


2024 ADCC Worlds Veteran &

3x College Wrestling National Champion (NAIA - USA)


I mention my accolades because people often don't trust someone who hasn't achieved anything. But of course, this course is not about me, but rather you!


My goal is to help you reach your potential in grappling. Takedowns are a part of that process!


This instructional will provide you with a basic understanding of the stand-up game so that you won't feel as lost on your feet as I did when I first started grappling 11 years ago.


Learning how to hand fight changed my game completely, and over the last few years, since I retired from Wrestling, I've continued to develop my hand fighting for myself as I train and compete in BJJ and teach it to my students.


Today, I'm sharing that same system with you, hoping that it will add as much to your game as it has to mine in a much shorter period.